Posted inenglishmobiletechnoswinch5

The key to social media and traffic in Cairo – Francis Pisani

Very nice but not totally convincing, Aly Rafea told me a secret this morning, a secret that’s worth gold. Rafea is the founder of, an app that “lets people share traffic information for the primary streets in Cairo and Alexandria, (the country’s second-largest city),” he told me. Bey2ollak translates roughly to “what people are saying,” with […]

Posted inenglishtechnoswinch5

An Activist Entrepreneur – Francis Pisani

Bruno Legendre acts with an unrelenting logic that I described Friday in my weekly column in the Science & Techno supplement (Article in French; subscription required). But I wanted to talk about him in a little more detail on several points:As an agronomic engineer, he quickly realized that there was something wrong with traditional development […]