Seth Shel Israel, l’un des deuxauteurs. J’ai utilisé certaines de ses phrases, mais pas toutes et je me disque c’est dommage pour ceux qui compennent cette langue et s’intéressent ausujet. Les autres n’ont qu’à attendre le prochain billet ;-).
Je lui ai posé deuxquestions. Voici sa réponse à la première (sur les changements d’attitude face aux blogs d’entreprise au cours des 13 derniers mois). Si ça vous intéresse, je vousdonnerai la seconde demain.
F.P. – In your book,you write that the perception of blogs was very different when you startedwriting and when you handed over the manuscript. What has happened in the fieldsince then that is meaningful?
S.I. – We startedactually writing the book in February 2005, just 13 months ago. At that time, the only two corporations thathad significant external blogging programs were Microsoft and Sun Microsystems.Nearly all substantially followed corporate blogs were also US based. Amajority of corporate communications people, executives, press and industryanalysts we talked to regarded blogs disdainfully. They belittled corporate blogs as passingfads, the ranting of anguished teenaged diarists or the politically obsessed.Enlightened corporate communications folk thought they might use blogs as a newconduit for spewing out press releases or newsletters or canned “thoughtleadership” pieces from executive officers
USCanadaScandinaviaFranceJapanA few months later,the disdain had turned into anger. Atone conference, I was told by a marketing officer that we bloggers were no morethan hackers who had found a nasty way to game search engines, and it’s just amatter of time before Google and the others recalibrate their core algorithmictechnology so that blogging won’t divert attention that should go to corporateweb sites over to blog posting. At the same time that we were sensing thismainstream hostility, we also started noting that a growing number of companieshad started blogging, and that this was occurring not just in the, but in Canada, Scandinavia, France, and Japan. Companies such as Boeing and HP had startedsecond-generation blogs that had improved significantly in that they had becomeconversational. They were coming to understandthat the essential value of a blog rested in the two-way conversations thatwere replacing the monologues that nearly all corporate communications effortsuse.
Now when Robert and Ispeak, we face audiences that have already decided to blog or at least getimmersed in the blogosphere. GuidewireGroup, a social media research and conference producing organization polled midand large-sized companies about blogging intentions. 90% said they were intending to join socialmedia programs—blogs, podcasts, videoblogs, wikis, etc., in 2006.
We see this happeningall over the world. Companies are no longer disdainful or angry about blogging.The see the Cluetrain coming down the track at a very rapid rate. They havemove from questions that begin with “what is,” through questions that startwith “Why should we,” into the current set of questions that start with “How dowe…”
This is a rapid,fundamental and disruptive change. Somewhere, while we were writing Naked Conversations, blogging reachedits tipping point and there is no going back.