Sans trop de commentaires je vous passe le résumé des nouvelles du jour de la section « Silicon Valley – Inside the Tech Economy » du Mercury News, LE journal de la Valley.
Ce qui me frappe : il n’y est question que de Google, de Yahoo et d’une entreprise qui utilise nos empreintes digitales pour faciliter nos achats d’épicerie.
L’univers de la Valley semble se réduire de nouveau, cette fois autour du contrôle et de la sécurité (tendance claire depuis le 11 septembre 2001) et de son entreprise phare du moment.
Il ne s’agit que d’un instantané et les nouvelles d’hier et de demain pourraient donner des pistes partiellement différentes. Disons que je le trouve révélateur.
First Edition – Published: Tuesday October 4, 2005
Sun Microsystems and Google today will announce a « collaborative effort, » a development that sent Sun’s share price up by nearly 7 percent Monday.
A judge decided Monday not to bar a dozen new Yahoo employees from working on technology that they had been developing at their former employer, Nuance Communica- tions.
A San Francisco start-up, Pay By Touch Solutions, is expected to announce today $130 million in fresh financing for a novel way of paying for groceries and other goods and services: a machine that reads your fingerprint.
Google may have the cachet, but it faces nearly two dozen competitors — some of them serious players in the telecom business — that have expressed interest in bringing free or cheap wireless Internet access to San Francisco.
Just how sweet of a deal will Google get by building a major research park on a so-called federal enclave at Moffett Field that sits just beyond the reach of local tax assessors?
Mike Langberg sees Google as a knight in shining armor, decapitating the two-headed monster of SBC and Comcast that has controlled high-speed Internet access for Bay Area consumers.